Finding Adventure

James’ new English teacher gave them an “adventure project” to work on. They were to develop an idea of an adventure, do the adventure and then write about it. Here is James’ essay and a few photos as well!

Finding Adventure

            I recently went on a trip to Italy. This was my second time visiting Italy. My family and I had an amazing experience a few years ago, so we decided to make the trip again. I knew it would be full of discovery, sightseeing, and bonding. However, nothing could have prepared me for the adventure that lied ahead. Among all the tours and planned itineraries, there was a spontaneous moment that took place. I don’t usually do well with unplanned events, so this was a challenge as well. I have some issues with anxiety in new and unfamiliar situations. Little did I know this moment would turn into a true adventure. Remembering the basic details does not do it justice.

I always wanted to swim in the middle of the ocean. I did not realize, however, that it meant first jumping off of a boat. My family and I were on a boat on this particular afternoon, and we sailed to the middle of a bay with a beautiful view. Naturally, everyone was in their bathing suits. In a spur of the moment idea, my brother suggested we jump in the Tyrrhenian Sea. Nearly everyone was eager and excited to make the jump. My dad turned it down quickly and made it clear he was just a spectator. I was on the edge. I could not decide if I could really have the courage to jump. My nerves were out of control and I could only think about the depth of the ocean. I bent down to look at the water, only to frighten myself even more. My echo of screams was ringing in my ears. Now, everyone is angry that I won’t jump. I am overwhelmed with excitement and fear. I hear my brother on the boat say, “Go James!”, but I doubt anyone heard him, because too many people were shouting at me. Now I boldly decide to jump.

I step off the edge and drop in the water. I rush underwater a few feet with salt rushing in my eyes, nose, and mouth. After a few seconds, my head breaks the surface and I see my brother in the water next to me. He has a big smile on his face, as I am still opening my eyes and checking my surroundings. I also discovered another comforting sight next to me, a swimming “noodle”. I latched on and started to feel relief. I heard laughter and cheering from my family. I began to laugh with them, and was finally enjoying the moment.

            After I got back on to the boat safely, I immediately felt relieved and accomplished. As everyone was congratulating me, my feelings of fear and anxiety were transformed into adrenaline and pride. Now I’m reflecting on this adventure and I realize that my anxiety is such a controlling factor in my life, I rarely let it develop into other emotions. I focus intently on what could go wrong, and don’t allow moments to pleasantly surprise me sometimes. On this adventure, I surprised myself. I am happy to tell this story, and to share one example of the possibilities of stepping off the edge, and just jumping in!